The RedBall Project

RedBall Project by Chicago-born artist Kurt Perschke is a global art project that exists as a series of temporary installations in a city over a few weeks in which a 15-foot inflatable red sphere is embedded within a city's urban environment and provides a point of interaction with people on the street.

The work has taken place in cities such as Syndey, Barcelona, Chicago, Korea, Abu Dhabi and England among others.

“Through the RedBall Project I utilize my opportunity as an artist to be a catalyst for new encounters within the everyday. Through the magnetic, playful, and charismatic nature of the RedBall the work is able to access the imagination embedded in all of us. On the surface, the experience seems to be about the ball itself as an object, but the true power of the project is what it can create for those who experience it. It opens a doorway to imagine what if?”

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