The popular website Buzzfeed collected their 40 favorite Internet memes of 2011. If you're wondering what a meme is, it's an idea that spreads rapidly through the Internet. Memes tend to be videos, pictures or phrases that catch on and become part of popular culture. Here's a look at the dumbest, funniest, and best memes of the past year.
Scumbag Steve
First World Problems
Rebecca Black
Futurama Fry
Pepper Spraying Cop
College Freshman
Business Cat
Chuck Testa
Good Guy Greg
Dating Site Murderer
Hipster Ariel
Hipster Edits
Sad Hipster
Hipster Dog
Chemistry Cat
Steve Buscemi Eyes
The Most Interesting Man In The World
Ordinary Muslim Man
Conspiracy Keanu
The Frowning Flower Girl
Karate Kyle
Nyan Cat
The Ultimate Zombie Fortress
Zuckerberg Note Pass
Sheltering Suburban Mom
Dat Ash
Feminist Ryan Gosling
Unhelpful High School Teacher
Baby Kanye
X All The Y!
Scumbag Brain
Annoying Childhood Friend
Women Laughing Alone With Salad
Baby Godfather
60s Spiderman